Saturday, July 28, 2012

Random thoughts and pics from PALM 31

Here are some random pics from our PALM 31 bike tour.  Enjoy.

                                                   A funny face for a fun time.            


      Small town Post offices hold a special place in my heart..  My Grandpa was a postmaster, and my Grandma the clerk, in a small post office in NW Iowa.  Grandpa kept a big cup of nickels on a shelf in the back.  All the kids in town knew that during the summer they could come and sweep the lobby floor to earn one.  It was the cleanest floor in town.
      We are always happy to see the  Doris,  the licorice Lady.  Less than 5 miles to go when we see her.  She hands out licorice, fills water bottles,  offers encouragement and a great smile.  Thanks Doris.
     This is Bob.  He is 93 years old, the oldest PALM rider.  Way to go BOB!  You are an inspiration to all.



     This guy made a great Kodak moment, but I didn't find any history of pirates in St. Joseph.

     Not sure who was happier here, the dog or the kids.


     Smiles of new friends, warm the heart.

  Our friend David, finishes.  Great job!

                                                              Yay,  we did it!!

     I want to extend a huge thank you to all the volunteers that give so many hours of their time to make this a great tour.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  We appreciate all you do.

     My apologies for taking so long to get the blog up to date.  On our next PALM  I hope to have my technology updated enough that I can post at the end of each day.

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