Friday, May 11, 2012

Ride to Diamond Lake

May 4, 2012
As much as my heart is yearning for a sunny day ride, clouds accompanied us on today's ride.  Temps were in the mid 50's, with another cool wind.  My unlined windbreaker, was  too cool,  I put on my new rain jacket that is supposed to be windproof.  It is windproof, but since it has no lining it isn't a very warm.   I'll be wearing another layer, next time.
    Tony decided a ride to Diamond Lake would be fun On our way into town, we were passed by a pickup that had a dog leaning out the window on the passenger side.  His ears were flying behind his head, and I'm pretty sure he had a grin on his face.  He was one happy dog.  I didn't have my camera out, but later when we were at the bank, in pulled the truck with the dog in it.  I couldn't resist a picture, even though the dog was clearly in wait mode, for it's master to return.

We stopped at our local bank first, then headed east out of town on Gilbert Rd.  There was some event going on at the LeRoy Elementary School.  We slowed down to let a couple of people cross the road, and some waited for us to pass, before heading for the school.  Whatever was going on, plenty of people were attending.

    Equipment sat on the White Pine  trail, giving evidence that the work on the small section from town to the tunnel that goes under the highway, has begun.  This will add about a half mile of paving to the south.   Not sure when it will be completed, we have yet to see them actually doing any work on it, but the equipment and the restricted entry to the trail, are good signs.

     The change of scenery was a welcome, even though it wasn't a brand new course.

         Diamond Lake is a small 61 acre Lake about 3 or 4 miles from Tustin.

Homes and cottages line the shore, but they aren't as densely packed along it's edges as I have seen on other lakes.  A few places were for sale.  Passed a man in blue fishing hat, mowing his lawn and another was raking leaves from a garden spot.

     An old windmill saluted us, just before we got to 20 Mile Rd.,

and across the way, a green meadow spread out, trees standing tall in the background.

Farmers have disked some of the fields, but  not sure where they are on planting, I'm thinking it might be a little early for that.  At church last week, someone told me their snow peas were coming up.  I don't have anything planted yet, we've been too busy riding.

     Tustin was again. a good place for a rest and an apple.  2 women stood by the trail, talking.  I asked them to please take our picture, which they happily did.  I guess  I am as vain as any woman, it wasn't a flattering picture of me, so you won't be seeing it on this blog.

   Mary Ann  and Sue had ridden from Cadillac.

It was nice to talk riding with other cyclers. Where we all  had ridden,  and wanted to ride,  how many miles to train for different tours, the weather, and riding in wind and rain.  Of course there were the usual questions about Rollin.

     Feeling refreshed,  it was time to ride the last 9 miles of our day, back to home territory.  The rooster at the Amish farm, crowed  a greeting from the bushes along the road.  We have been wondering about the 3rd dog, on 3 dog hill  The past few times we have gone by, only the 2 little fellows have been on barking patrol.   I miss seeing the big one sit on the porch bench, surveying his fenced in kingdom.  If he doesn't reappear soon ,we will have to rename the hill.

     The wind once again reminded me that I needed another layer, as we did our final push towards home.  After 22 miles, we were glad to see home.






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