Sunday, October 2, 2011

A fall ride and walk.

It would have been a frosty ride to church this morning, so we took the car.  When we came out of church it was still chilly, with a brisk wind.  Decided we were going to ride anyway.  It was supposed to warm up to 60 later.

Came home, changed into our biking gear, packed a picnic lunch,  including a thermos of hot chocolate,

checked the tires on the trike, added air, and headed out.  This is our back driveway and where our rides from home begin.

Our front driveway is pretty steep, so we feel much safer going down the back drive.
This is the top of our driveway, looking at our neighbors house.

What a pretty day for a ride.  The colors are not at their peak yet, but are still very pretty.

 Even the pine trees are changing color and dropping some needles.

The self milking barn is coming along.  it now has a roof, and there is a little side building, about the size of a one stall garage that is at the front of the property.  No idea what that will be used for.  Perhaps they intend to heat the self milking barn with a wood burning furnace and that is the building the furnace and the wood will go in.  Guess we'll have to wait and see.

I could tell that Tony was felling better than he had on our last ride.  My stoker had some power today.  I sure appreciate his strong legs when it comes to hills.  We didn't use our mountain drive nearly as much as we had on our last ride.   We decided we would only ride 16 miles today.  Tony didn't want to push it too much, we want to get out and ride several times this week, the weather is supposed to be great.  In reality, I think he wanted to be home to hear the Tigers in the play offs.

We had our lunch on the benches by the church.  It was a nice break.  Then we headed home.

Went by 2 wild apple trees that were full of apples, so we stopped and picked some.  Ate a few on the way home.  They were very tasty.
We didn't take Button with us today, so when we got home we decided to take him for a walk.  He was a very happy fellow to go.  We walked our regular 2 mile course.

Starting off on the hill from our house then circling around by the lake.  Tony was listening to the  baseball play offs on his radio, so he and Button stayed put when I walked down to the lake to take some pictures.
  I find it amusing that on the way down the steps there is a sign that says "No Motorcycles."  I guess someone must have taken a motor cycle down to the beach once or twice, so the Property Owners Association thought they needed a sign.  It is sure up high on the tree.  I wonder if a motorcycle rider would even see it.  Perhaps they do, I've never seen one on the beach with his cycle.

From there we headed home.  I was taking a few pictures, when I spotted this big wasp nest in a tree.

I'm surprised that the strong winds we had didn't blow it down.

Took a few more pictures as we headed towards home.   We are so blessed to live in such a pretty place, close to the lake and with such pretty scenery and wild life all around us.  It was a good day to be outdoors.  I hope to get some more pictures as the colors continue to turn.   We rode 16 miles today and walked 2 miles.

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